Hopkins Academy

Posts Tagged ‘Earth’

One Small Step For Teens, One Giant Leap For Lego-Kind

In News on April 4, 2012 at 12:27 pm

So technically, Lego Man didn’t make it into space; he only made it about halfway. But launching a homemade spacecraft 80,000 feet into the Earth’s atmosphere is still pretty impressive. Read the rest of this entry »

Bucket List

In Features on February 8, 2011 at 3:47 pm

James Garand 11′ & Sara Korash-Schiff 11′

These next 365 (and one-quarter) days after December 31st are our last days to live. According to the Mayan calendar, the year 2012 marks the end of the world as we know it. The world is going to explode, the apocalypse will come and everything will be gone. So during the last days we have on earth, I ask you this, what are some things that you would like to do before you die? I made a list of things to do before the world ends:

  1. Travel to another continent (In progress)
  2. Go from coast to coast with close friends by car
  3. Learn to ski/snowboard
  4. Skydive
  5. Go snorkeling and to the coral reefs
  6. Throw the first pitch at a Red Sox game
  7. Fall in love (The search is on)
  8. Write a novel (In progress)
  9. Learn to Salsa dance (completed) Read the rest of this entry »