Hopkins Academy

Posts Tagged ‘hopkins’

Hawks Off to a Good Start

In Sports, Uncategorized on December 16, 2013 at 10:59 am

Matt Pipczynski ’15

This past Friday, Hopkins boys’ basketball played their first game of the season against Palmer. This season opener was coach Angelo Thomas’ first win with the Hawks. The final score 62-38, with Hopkins on top. Spencer Butterfield scored 18 points and made 4 three-pointers. Zach Kelley put up 15, Brett Morrison got 10, and Andrew Omer also got 10. The game against Smith Academy that was to be played at the cage  was cancelled, and the next scheduled game for the boys is Friday, December 20th, at Hopkins.

One last year for Mrs. Parsons at HA

In Features on November 6, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Michela Solano ’16

Mrs. Parsons has been teaching for 37 years and after this year is retiring. She is a wonderful hard working teacher who has taught many children over the years and has made a difference in many peoples lives. Her favorite class in college was American History and her favorite class in high schools was math. The teachers who taught these classes (Professor Mueller and Mr. Atkinson) later became her mentors. These two men had a great influence on her life. When Mrs. Parsons was in high school she wanted to be an archeologist but, when she started tutoring in college she changed her major to education so that she could teach people about history. With this degree she taught at Franklin County Tech. which is a vocational school. She taught many kids at a time which of course, can be very stressful until she switched to teaching at Hopkins. Mrs. Parsons didn’t switch to teaching at Hopkins because of the number of kids but, because of the easier commute.

Mrs. Parsons loves teaching at Hopkins but, like any good job there are some parts that she doesn’t like. Mrs. Parsons least favorite thing about teaching at Hopkins is having to switch her curriculum almost every year. It is hard to rewrite a curriculum that you put so much time into, especially if you have to start over from scratch. Mrs. Parsons favorite thing about teaching at Hopkins is the ¨lightbulb moment.” Mrs. Parsons love the moment when a student who had been struggling with a topic finally gets it (like the lightbulb just went off in their head.) She really likes that it can happen to any student from a student who is good at her class or loves her class to a student who does not necessarily love history or isn’t that great at it.

Mrs. Parsons is planning on doing many things in her retirement. She wants to travel, substitute here, work on her vegetable and flower gardens and read many historical fiction books of course. She loves to travel, but she wants to travel to a place she hasn’t seen yet. She wants to learn and experience a new environment. She would also love to see her daughter. She is happy and nervous about retirement. She is nervous because she has been teaching for so long that she defines herself as a teacher. She is nervous about what will happen when she stops teaching. Mrs. Parsons is an amazing teacher and Hopkins hopes that she has an amazing time during her retirement, she deserves it. Everyone is wishing her the best.


In Sports on April 30, 2012 at 12:07 pm

Rock Climbing is becoming a mainstream sport; rock climbing gyms are popping up all over the globe, like the one that just came to Hadley in April of 2011. Rock climbing is the perfect sport for you if you’re looking for an adrenaline rush and if your okay with heights. Read the rest of this entry »

I Hope Tomorrow Is Like Today: BUY YOUR PROM TICKETS!

In Announcements, News, Save the Date on April 30, 2012 at 11:50 am

Its that time of year again, prom tickets are now on sale! Purchase your tickets for only $50! Tickets will be sold everyday at lunch beginning March 25, but hurry! After May 14, tickets will no longer be sold.

Prom will be held at Pages Loft in Northampton, located at the Clarion Hotel, on Saturday May 19 at 5:30pm. Buy your tickets now to party “Under the Stars” and create a night of memories you’ll never forget!

Valentine’s Day Hearts

In Features, News on February 14, 2012 at 4:40 pm

Besides chocolate, Sweethearts Conversation Hearts are one of the most popular candy to enjoy on Valentine’s Day .  These Valentine’s Day favorites have been used from everything from marriage proposals to cute valentines to cake decorating to just plain eating.  Read the rest of this entry »

Artificial Sweeteners

In News on February 2, 2012 at 12:47 pm

Sugar is in everything from drinks to deserts to even ketchup. But with the rise of obesity in the US, many have turned away from sugar and are consuming artificial sweeteners. Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome to Hopkins Mr. Vreeland!

In Features on December 23, 2011 at 12:49 pm

 “On a scale of kinda intimidating to awesome, how cool is Mr. Vreeland?”

This is the question I posed to Ms. Bernier a few weeks ago. Her reply was simply, “awesome”.

So what makes this guy so awesome? After interviewing Hopkins’ new middle school English teacher I discovered many of the reasons why, and also what makes him unique. Read the rest of this entry »

The Hawk’s Claw Playlist – Rachel’s Turn

In Features on December 4, 2011 at 1:22 pm

Written By Rachael Lefebvre ’12

“Perfect Day”- Lou Reed.

Now children, I feel like I’m not one of those people who constantly demands you listen to this song, or that band, because frankly, I hate those people. I don’t go out seeking music, I’m lazy, and wait for it to come to me. Come to think about it, that’s probably why I’m still rocking out to “Genie in a Bottle”, but I’m getting off topic. What I meant to say was that if there is only one song artist on this list you look up, please let it be Lou Reed. Now, I’m known to be dramatic, but I love Lou Reed so much, that if that wrinkled old drug-addled 69-year-old man proposed to me, I’d go out and buy me a veil. Many people know the song “Walk on the Wild Side”, but few have heard “Perfect Day”. Lou Reed has the ability to make you feel what he’s feeling, and damn, I nearly ripped my heart out when I first heard this song. The man sounds like he has a bottle of pills in one hand and in the other a handle of bourbon, and when he’s done playing the amazing piano solo he’s going to end his life. Just one of those songs that is so true, so sparse and pure that it makes an incredible impact.

“Back and Gold”- Sam Sparro.

Now, I love this song for many reasons, but the main one isn’t about the music ( a great thumping heartbeat that makes you think of underground clubs in Amsterdam) or the lyrics (Simple but captivating) but it lies in this man’s voice. When I first heard this song, I thought I was listening to Lenny Kravitz, and when I looked up “Sam Sparro” on Google I came face-to-face with a scrawny white man with a love of neon, not a beautiful black rock-god who sleeps on a pile of money and models. Trust me, this is one of those songs everyone loves, so check it out.

“Attitude”- The Misfits.

So you fancy yourself a punk huh? What, no? You don’t think you’re the next Sid Vicious? You would rather cuddle puppies than mosh in all your dirty, grimy glory? Well that’s okay, because if your angry or about to verbally smack down somebody, listen to this song first, and you’ll have more adolescent rage than Johnny Rotten.

“Waiting in Vain”- Bob Marley .

In my opinion, Bob Marley is one of those few artists who everybody likes. I have yet to find anyone who doesn’t like at least one song by dear old Bob. I personally love a lot of Marley’s songs, but this one has a very special place in my heart, maybe because of the hazy, soft beat, or maybe because everyone can relate to Marley’s simple message.

“Boys Don’t Cry”- The Cure.

Really, this is just a great song. This is one of my wake-up songs in the morning, it’s punky but peppy, what’s not to love? I like the video too, because Robert Smith (lead singer/guitar/songwriter) looks like a tiny adorable troll doll from the 80’s. You almost expect that if you lifted up his shirt he’d have a rhinestone for a bellybutton.

“Walk on the Wild Side”- Lou Reed.

Yes, yes, I’m putting him in here again, but simply because the man is awesome, and you’re doing your ears a favor when you listen to him. This is a classic song, and it’s soft lazy sound brings me right back to summer, back to that feeling of possibility, like anything can happen. I think that’s what great songs are supposed to do ( and this is certainly a great song), the songs we love are as much a part of our personality as our sense of humor or the clothes we wear. Music is a time line of our most triumphant moments, and our most dismal failures. When I turn on this song, I feel myself going back to sunshine, and that wonderful feeling that time has slowed to a crawl. Give it a chance, maybe you’ll feel the same.

“I Wanna Be Your Lover”- Prince.

Oh Prince, just…you’re so fabulous. I think we should hang out and you should let me wear that jacket you have on the cover of “Purple Rain”. I think (or at least hope) that everyone likes one Prince song. This is my dance song, and I don’t dance, but if this came on, I’d be whippin’ out all the white girl awkwardness that the club could handle.

“Suck My Kiss”- The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Let me just say, I love The Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I actually do, they are my musical soul mates, and if Anthony Kiedis grows his hair long again, and shaves off that mustache, he would also be my soul mate (don’t worry Lou, I have enough love for two). And if if they ever decide to get their fancy “ Too-good-for-an-American-tour” butts over here, I will be the first to get tickets, and I will demand they play this song, because it is an awesome, body-rollicking ballad. It’s basically a musical punch in your face, except it doesn’t hurt, it just rocks. But than again, that’s what most RHCP songs are like.

Rachel’s Embarrassing Song of The Week: “It Wasn’t Me”- Shaggy feat. Ricardo Ducent

Okay, technically, I’m not really ashamed I like this song, but I mean, any song with Shaggy is bound to be kinda embarrassing because I mean…it’s Shaggy. When he sings or raps or whatever it is, he sounds like a dog on tranquilizers trying to scat. But this song has hardly any Shaggy in it, and it’s pretty addictive. That doesn’t make it right, but it makes it a little less shameful.

The Storm of October 30, 2011

In News on November 6, 2011 at 1:14 pm

Sydney Denault ’13

Many doubted the severity of the snowstorm that was going to hit New England on October 29, 2011. But once the snow began to fall faster and faster, people realized that this storm was serious. The snow was heavy, and as it piled up on top of trees not yet ready for winter, branches and even entire trees began to break and fall. Some fell on houses, cars, and power lines. Thousands lost power, and although Hadley is fortunate enough to have gained power back, many are still being left in the dark. Below are stories telling of how some students survived a few days without power. The Hawks Claw is eager to hear everyone’s story, so share your story in the comments!

Matt Waskiewicz ’12 

I read the Hobbit and did my calculus homework via head lamp!

Lauren Dymek ‘12

I didn’t get back until Thursday. The first night, I slept over Becky Smiths house, but she didn’t have power either. I didn’t want to be alone and she had more heat and didn’t want to be bored. Things got out of hand when the heat did not come back on or water, so I went to a friend’s dorm at UMass and took a shower. The power still didn’t come back,so I went house hopping. My mom was in Longmeadow working  in emergency control because the whole town didn’t have power. My fish almost died! I had to put them by the fire place. It was so miserable.

Taylor Witkos ’12

I didn’t have hot water so I had to shower at my ex-boyfriend’s house.

Michael Leveille ’12

I took cold showers.

Kelsey Yusko ’12

I was babysitting when it went out. The oldest was sleeping, and the younger one wasn’t even scared! We played candyland and shutes and latters with flashlights.  The little kid had to follow my finger finger because he couldn’t see.

Ms. Bernier

We were number 75 on the list for a generator in Greenfield, so I used my Droid to find hardware stores. We went all the way to Brattleboro to finally get a generator.

Good News For Coffee Drinkers

In Features on October 24, 2011 at 12:20 pm

Teenagers and Adults in today’s world lead busy lives with little time for sleep. Caffeine consumption has become a daily necessity; coffee being the most popular form of a caffeinated drink with tea coming in second. Rumor has it that coffee is bad for you, but new scientific studies regarding the drink have recently come out and it looks like coffee may be better for us than we think. Read the rest of this entry »